Thursday, November 13, 2014

DIY Turkey Wreath

This was inspired from Pinterest. The original tutorial is at

I did modify it a little. I used tulle for the brown, instead of using ribbon or yarn.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Turkey Craft for Kids

Thanksgiving Turkey Craft for Kids

Materials needed: empty baby food jar; red, orange, and yellow paint; orange pipe cleaners; orange and red felt (or other material); googly eyes; paper; and Reese's Pieces M&Ms!

Pour the M&Ms into the clean, empty jar. Cut two turkey legs out with the pipe cleaner and hot glue them onto the bottom. Cut a beak out of the orange felt and a gizzard out of the red felt. Hot glue the beak, the gizzard, and the googly eyes onto the front. Paint the lid orange, yellow, red, or brown. 

Take your child's hand print. Since I had a wiggly nine month old, I had to trace it onto paper, cut it out, and paint it myself. Then I glued the painted hand print onto red construction paper. I cut it out and taped it onto the back. :)

Inspired by Pinterest. Original Tutorial is found on

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thankful Tree

I made this last year. I put it up every November. Every day, each member in my family puts a leaf or two on the tree that says what they are thankful for that day. I love this tradition! I made it out of felt so that it would last for a long time. I got the idea from Pinterest.

DIY Thank You Card

String the buttons onto colorful yarn. I then hot glued the yarn onto the white card stock.Then, using colorful markers, write "Thanks" or "Celebrate." Pretty cute and easy. Inspired by Pinterest. 

Ghost Suckers

These are the easiest Halloween treats. I made these ghost suckers for my nieces and nephews for Halloween. They are easy to do. Wrap a sucker in Kleenex, tie a ribbon around them, and draw a ghost face with a magic marker. Simple, cheap, and cute!

Halloween Footprints

This was a little craft I did with my son. I dipped his feet into white, orange, and yellow paint. Pretty simple and cute!

DIY Halloween Bag

This is a bag I made for my son for Halloween. I used black and orange felt, two googly eyes, and some ribbon. The legs and mouth is sewn into the felt. This was inspired from Pinterest.

DIY Halloween Books

First of all, I went to a thrift shop and bought these books. The total was $3. I then painted them different colors. I then wrote on the side of each book with a different handwriting and color. I tied a bow around it. :)

Quiet Book: Weaving Pie

I traced a bowl onto the red felt and cut it out. I then hand-drew a pie first on paper, and then traced it onto the brown felt and cut it out. The strips are about one inch thick. I hot glued everything because I cannot hand stitch for the life of me! 

Laundry Room Sign

I painted a picture frame and five clothes pins black. I used the Cricut to cut out the letters "clean. single. looking for a mate." I then glued the letters to a piece of scrapbook paper and put it into the frame. Then I hot glued the clothes pins to the bottom of the frame. I use it to hang mismatched socks up.

Christmas Nativity

I made this with our Relief Society last Christmas, It came in a kit. I just painted it and sanded the edges. I hot glued the round balls onto the blocks and added some yarn. I enjoyed making this cute little craft. :)